Quantum V (5) Segmental Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)



Show your patients and clients that your wellness and fitness regimens are working.  Nothing is more convencing to a sceptic than an initial benchmark of initial health side by side with a series of incremental snapshots demonstrating unequivocal improvement. If you want patient compliance and program completion, you need the Quantum V BIA from RJL. Now you can prove just how effective your recommendations for therapy, diet, supplementation, and exercise have been.

Learn how to use this device in your practice

The RJL Quantum V is the most acurate and useful of all body composition devices for the small office practice.  With the exception of dual energy x-ray Analysis (DEXA) techniques, there is nothing more accurate.  The Quantum V is comparitively inexpensive and capable of measurement rather than guessing based of statistical tables. Body comp is part of demonstrating to patients the improvements your health and wellness regiment is making for them. All fitness, health, wellness, chiropractic, integrative, and functional medical practices can benefit from the Quantum V BIA.

Product Overview: The Quantum V Segmental is the latest Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) medical device from the industry originator RJL Systems. The Quantum V Segmental has been enhanced with the ability to perform segmental body composition assessment on 13 zones of the human body. This Class II medical device provides fast and accurate segmental body composition assessments of fat and lean soft tissue (LST).

The Quantum V Segmental uses an eight-lead, 12-channel multiplexer to quickly measure resistance and reactance values from each arm, each leg and the right and left torso, including the upper and lower regions of the human body. The repeatability and accuracy of the resistance and reactance measurements allow the smallest changes to be recorded with 0.1 ohms of resolution.


Key Features:

  • Segmental body composition assessment on 13 zones of the human body, as well as whole body composition assessment
  • A key differentiator and patented feature of the Quantum V Segmental is the sum of the LST, or fat mass, is equal to the whole body LST, or fat assessment. Only the Quantum V Segmental is capable of providing the sum of the parts equal to the whole (whole body)
  • Built in firmware automatically handles selecting eight leads (electrodes), scanning multiple zones and calibrating each zone, making it extremely simple to operate
  • The device provides fast results, within 15 seconds, which are similar to the more complex and very expensive DEXA machines
  • Quantitative and measurable results are easy to read and share, allowing health professionals to chart patient’s health goals and progress
  • The unit’s built in memory can store more than 2,000 records, which can be downloaded to a computer using built-in Bluetooth or USB port, standard on the Quantum V Segmental
  • Bright OLED display is easy to read
  • Battery provides an operating time of more than 9 hours on a single charge
  • Free Techmician Training – https://www.rjlsystems.com/education/technician-webinar
  • Free Practioner Training – https://www.rjlsystems.com/education/practitioner-webinar


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